Naturplus Calendula 30% 50Ml

8,96€ 10,06€
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50 ml

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8,96€ 10,06€
Only 1 unit at this price

Price per 100 ML

17,92€ / 100 ml

Pharmaceutical Advice

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a plant in the Asteraceae family that is used in skin care for its beneficial properties. Also known as pot marigold, it is high in anti-inflammatory substances and antioxidants (flavonoids). It also has antiseptic properties and contributes effectively to heal small wounds and superficial lesions.

This ingredient is mostly used externally in lotions, creams, balms and liquid extracts. Its soothing and moisturising properties make calendula perfect for oily, combination and sensitive skin. It can also be found in the formulation of facial toners (it provides antibacterial action and alleviates the aggressions caused by the sun's rays) and is also emollient and helps to maintain the softness of the most delicate and fine skin. This is why it is present in creams to relieve nappy rashes.

Calendula is also used, although less frequently, as an ingredient in dietary supplements. Its antioxidant carotenoid content supports eye health and counteracts free radical damage, delaying cellular ageing. If in doubt when using a product that contains calendula, consult a professional.



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