Paranix lendrera anti-lice 1ud

€4.19 €13.28
Only 10 units at this price

Specially designed to help remove all lice and nits from children's scalp


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€4.19 €13.28
Only 10 units at this price
Paranix lendrera anti-lice 1ud

Paranix lendrera anti-lice 1ud

€4.19 €13.28


Paranix Lice & Eggs Nit & Lice Comb 3 in 1 1pc is the ideal complement to the Paranix anti-lice treatment, improving its effectiveness thanks to its special design.

To help pulling and dragging all the lice and nits present in the hair, you only need to group the hair in locks and then pass the comb through the hair.

It has long barbs with a small distance between them, a magnifying glass to improve the vision of nits and lice and a brush to easily remove the barbs of the nit comb.

Unit price

€4.19 / Units



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