Arkopharma Arkofluido Programa Control de Peso BIO 30 ampollas

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Coadjuvant in weight loss stages

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Arkopharma Arkofluido Programa Control de Peso BIO 30 ampollas

Arkopharma Arkofluido Programa Control de Peso BIO 30 ampollas



Arkopharma Arkofluido Weight Control Program BIO 30 ampoules is a new program to help control weight.

The program lasts 30 days and is divided into 3 stages:

  • Ampoules days 1-10: Elimination of liquids. Contains dandelion, black radish, black elderberry and lemon that help eliminate toxins from the body.

  • Ampoules days 11-20: Helps to reduce cellulite. Contains fennel, pineapple, mate and skin and grape seeds.

  • Ampoules day 21-30: Fat burning stage. Contains green tea, green coffee, guarana and meadowsweet.

Suitable for vegans.




Easy to take, and very convenient with its three phases in different boxes. I've only been on it for a short time, but I'm looking forward to seeing results.

Maria T.


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