Dax Hair Care Black Bees Wax Fortified Royal Jelly Pure 397g

10,44 €

Contributes to hair fixation

397 g

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10,44 €
Dax Hair Care Black Bees Wax Fortified Royal Jelly Pure 397g

Dax Hair Care Black Bees Wax Fortified Royal Jelly Pure 397g

10,44 €


A pot of beeswax reinforced with royal jelly that favours the fixation of the hair. It provides great resistance and helps modeling different hairstyles and looks, nourishing the follicles and offering a shiny appearance. Allows the holding of braids, in a natural and safe way. Indicated for sportsmen and women or people who have jobs that require the hair to be tied up.

Price per 100 G

2,63 € / 100 g



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