Finck Naturkost Ghee Mantequilla Clarificada Bio 480g

€17.99 €20.00

Lower fat butter substitute

480 g

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€17.99 €20.00
Finck Naturkost Ghee Mantequilla Clarificada Bio 480g

Finck Naturkost Ghee Mantequilla Clarificada Bio 480g

€17.99 €20.00


It has a very high smoke point: 250°C, which makes it the best fat for frying. As a substitute for butter. Ideal for frying, sautéing and baking. It also helps in the treatment of burns, to reduce inflammation in the skin by applying it to the affected areas.


Pura grasa de mantequilla bio*.

*Procedente de agricultura ecológica. 99,9% de mantequilla 0,1% minerales y vitaminas.

Price per 100 G

€3.75 / 100 g


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