Just For Men light brown colouring gel for moustache and beard 30ml

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Combats gray facial hair: beard, moustache and sideburns

28 g

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Just For Men light brown colouring gel for moustache and beard 30ml

Just For Men light brown colouring gel for moustache and beard 30ml



If you have a beard, moustache or graying sideburns, you can dye them! The hair in these areas is stronger and more robust than that of the head, so we recommend the use of a product specially designed for this type of facial hair.

With Just For Men light brown coloring gel for moustache and beard you can dye your moustache, sideburns or beard brown. In addition, you can use the product multiple times for multiple applications over a two-month period. The gel formula is quick, convenient and easy to apply with a brush and does not contain ammonia;

You can complement it with Just for Men Hair Shampoo.

He's got a moustache, a beard, and dark sideburns! You'll feel younger.

Instructions for use


Price per 100 G

€34.25 / 100 g

Pharmaceutical Advice




yes, although it lasts less than they say.

Anonymous A.

Great discovery! Comfortable and simple and with a very natural result.

Anonymous A.

product with prestige

Anonymous A.


Anonymous A.


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