Revlonissimo Colorsmetique Color 8.2 60ml


Contributes to achieving the desired hair tone

60 ml

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Revlonissimo Colorsmetique Color 8.2 60ml

Revlonissimo Colorsmetique Color 8.2 60ml



Revlonissimo Coloursmetique Colour 8.2 60ml is a permanent colouring that helps to achieve the most vibrant tones. It is enriched with hyaluronic acid and soy protein, components that help rebuild the hair fibre and enhance its shine.

*Colouring may cause allergic reactions. Therefore, a skin allergy test should be carried out before application. Apply a small amount of colouring to a sensitive skin area, such as the inside of the elbow. If after 48 hours no reaction is observed, proceed to the global application of the product all over the hair.

Instructions for use

- Mix in a bowl with the oxidant (proportion indicated on the package) until homogeneous.

- Divide the hair into sections and apply the dye with the help of a brush over the entire surface of the hair.

- Leave on for 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the base hair.

Price per 100 ML

€14.80 / 100 ml



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