Salvelox Foot Care apósitos medianos 6uts

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Relieves heel blister pain while protecting against rubbing


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Only 7 units at this price
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Salvelox Foot Care apósitos medianos 6uts

Salvelox Foot Care apósitos medianos 6uts



The foot supports the weight of all our leather and is responsible for allowing us to move. Sometimes shoes, either because they are new or because of their material, damage our feet and this causes us great discomfort.

Salvelox Foot Care dressings adapt to the shape of the heel to alleviate the pain of blisters and rubbing, and their physiognomy favours discretion to be able to enjoy any type of shoe without worries or rubbing.

*Medium size: 40mmx61mm.

Go about your daily routine!

Instructions for use

Change the dressing and clean the wound daily.

Unit price

€0.95 / Units




i'm doing great for the cracks in my feet that psoriasis causes me

Anonymous A.


New in Feet