Triestop Ob-X™ 60comp

€21.79 €27.75
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Regulates fat accumulation


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€21.79 €27.75
Only 1 unit at this price
Triestop Ob-X™ 60comp

Triestop Ob-X™ 60comp

€21.79 €27.75


Triestop Ob-X™ 60comp is a dietary supplement especially indicated to regulate abdominal fat accumulation. One of its main ingredients, blackberry, has antioxidant properties that increase the mobilisation and combustion of fat in the body.

*This product does not contain lactose, gluten, caffeine or added sugars.

Instructions for use

Take 3 tablets a day.


333mg Ob-X® (111mg melissa extract, 111mg blackberry extract and 111mg mugwort extract), 84mg coleus forskohlii extract (10% forskolin), 4mg vitamin E (33% NRV), 1.6 mcg vitamin D (33% NRV) and 3.3mg zinc (33% NRV).

Pharmaceutical Advice

Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, is one of the fat-soluble vitamins that is essential to support normal bone and teeth formation and helps to absorb calcium, increasing their strength and keeping them healthy. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that contribute to a healthy immune system and muscle function. It also helps to regulate blood phosphorus level.

Vitamin D can be obtained in three different ways: through the skin by exposure to the sun and from foods and/or supplements that contain vitamin D. In case of vitamin D deficiency or excess, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and advice. Remember that dietary supplements should not replace a healthy and balanced diet.



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