Bio3 Regulates and cleans 25 sachets

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Recovers the feeling of flat belly

25 bolsitas

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Only 4 units at this price
Bio3 Regulates and cleans 25 sachets

Bio3 Regulates and cleans 25 sachets



Infusions are totally natural and healthy drinks that allow you to enjoy the benefits and properties of medicinal plants.

There is a good variety of beneficial infusions for our organism that can in fact become a natural remedy and alternative to other therapies.

Bie3 Regulates and cleanses improves and relieves the problem of occasional constipation produced as a result of a dysfunction of the body or changes in the usual diet.

The senosides contained in Cassia help to increase intestinal mobility, softening and facilitating transit.

Instructions for use

  • Drink 1 infusion after dinner.

*Do not take by children, pregnant women or people with intestinal problems.

**Do not use more than 8 days in a row.


Leaves of Hindu Cassias

Pharmaceutical Advice

Senna is a plant widely known for its laxative properties. It contains substances (sennosides), that are responsible for these properties. Dietary supplements containing senna extract can be used for occasional constipation. However, it is important to stress this occasional use: use for more than a week is not recommended without supervision from a healthcare professional.

This plant is not indicated in cases of inflammatory colon diseases or abdominal pain. If in doubt, it is best to consult a professional. Excessive use of this plant can cause intestinal mucosa irritation and/or a drop in potassium levels in the blood, that may have further effects on overall health. Use dietary supplements according to the product’s label and, in case of constipation, remember to include high-fibre foods in your diet, drink water and avoid a sedentary lifestyle.





Anonymous A.


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