DocMorris Probiotic Complex 30caps

7,00 € 7,94 €
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7,00 € 7,94 €
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DocMorris Probiotic Complex 30caps

DocMorris Probiotic Complex 30caps

7,00 € 7,94 €
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15,17 € 12,42 €
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DocMorris Probiotic Complex 30Caps is a dietary supplement that supports intestinal function and digestion.

Made from 5 probiotic bacterial strains of two types: Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. Probiotics are living microorganisms that live in us and allow us to live in balance and good health. They are very important in the intestine and digestive tract in general: they help us digest and assimilate food, produce vitamins and other beneficial substances that we can absorb, and "train" our immune system to function normally. Keeping this microbiota well-balanced is essential for many functions.

In case of stress, advanced age, dietary changes or, as a side effect of some pharmacological treatments (such as antibiotics), this microbiota can suffer alterations.

Eating a healthy diet, rich in fibre, as well as taking a supplement with beneficial probiotic strains will help to restore this balance. Regular physical exercise also contributes to digestive well-being and care of the microbiota. If in doubt, consult a healthcare professional.

Package for 30 days of supplementation.

Instructions for use

Take 1 capsule on an empty stomach.

*This product does not replace a varied diet, which is essential for a healthy lifestyle.

*Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

*This dietary supplement should not be taken by children.

*Excessive consumption may cause intestinal discomfort.

*Keep in a cool, dry place, below 25 degrees Celsius.


Bulking agents: Calcium phosphate, cellulose, microcrystalline; Coating agent: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; Anti-caking agents: (silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids); Lactobacillus acidophilus LA85; Streptococcus thermophilus ST81; Lactobacillus salvavirus LS97; Bifidobacterium bifidum BBi32; Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lra05.

Unit price

0,23 € / Capsules

Pharmaceutical Advice

Probiotics are microorganisms that are part of our gut microbiota or beneficial bacteria population that inhabit our gut. A balanced microbiota contributes to better regulation of metabolic function, optimal nutrient absorption and intestinal permeability control. All of these processes are related to maintaining overall health.

Gut dysbiosis (microbiota imbalance) has been linked with an increased risk of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, certain types of cancer and autoimmune diseases.

In standardised doses and dietary supplement form, taking certain probiotic strains contributes to intestinal and/or vaginal microbiota maintenance. After taking certain medications, such as antibiotics, this type of supplementation provides significant benefits. It is also possible to take advantage of these benefits in other parts of the body (such as the vaginal, skin or scalp microbiota) by adding probiotic ingredients to body and facial cosmetics or vaginal health products. In these examples, the addition of specific probiotics also helps to restore the balance externally (topically).

If you consider using probiotics, consult a healthcare professional to find out which ones are right for you.




A good supplement that helps to avoid heaviness, gas and a better belly

Noemí S.


Maribel F.

i've only been taking it for a couple of days, I can't evaluate it yet

María N.


New in Intestinal Flora